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eisenhower trophy造句

"eisenhower trophy"是什么意思  
  • He played on the 1976 Eisenhower Trophy and 1977 Walker Cup teams.
  • In October, he represented New Zealand at the Eisenhower Trophy in Adelaide, Australia.
  • He played on the winning 1982 Eisenhower Trophy and 1983 Walker Cup teams.
  • As an amateur he represented South Africa for the Eisenhower Trophy in 2006.
  • He also represented New Zealand at the Eisenhower Trophy in 2000.
  • In October 2008 Fowler played on the Eisenhower Trophy team that finished second.
  • He represented Sweden in the 1994 Eisenhower Trophy and turned professional in 1995.
  • As an amateur, Edmond represented France in the Eisenhower Trophy.
  • He played on the winning U . S . team in the 2014 Eisenhower Trophy.
  • He also played on the winning U . S . team in the Eisenhower Trophy.
  • It's difficult to see eisenhower trophy in a sentence. 用eisenhower trophy造句挺难的
  • He also played on two Eisenhower Trophy teams, in 1968 ( winning ) and 1976.
  • He has also played on the GB & I team in the Eisenhower Trophy in 1996.
  • He also played in the 2012 Eisenhower Trophy in Turkey as part of the Brazilian team.
  • He played on the winning 1982 Eisenhower Trophy team and the 1986 team that finished second.
  • In October 2006, McIlroy represented Ireland in the Eisenhower Trophy, which is the Amateur World Team Championship.
  • He lived part of his life in Zambia and represented the country in the 1966 Eisenhower Trophy.
  • He has represented Canada a dozen times in international play, including seven times in the Eisenhower Trophy.
  • He was a member of nine Walker Cup teams and played in the Eisenhower Trophy seven times.
  • Dass?won the 1970 British Youths Open Amateur Championship and played for Italy in that year's Eisenhower Trophy.
  • Stone won several amateur tournaments in South Africa and played on the 2012 South Africa Eisenhower Trophy team.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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